Registrations Opening Soon

From 0 to Your 1st Great Project, in 9 Weeks

Product Design Immersion

Do you want to seize more opportunities, and boost your career by becoming a successful Product Designer? With our methodology, you'll develop the mindset of the top 1% Product Designers, opening more professional opportunities.

Registrations Opening Soon

Our students have already been hired by companies like

in many countries, including USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, and others.

We take pride in having students hired by companies in Brazil, USA, Canada, UK, and Europe.


Discover the secret to boosting your career

Many designers today face a significant gap that limits their growth opportunities: insufficient mastery in Product Discovery. Mastering this competency is essential for the design of successful digital products that stand out in the market. By mastering this skill, you will open doors in your career, becoming a sought-after and better-paid professional.

This is your chance to stand out as a designer, mastering skills that go beyond the basics and will differentiate you in a more competitive market. The Product Design Immersion training has been developed to empower you to apply the Product Discovery methodology efficiently, enabling you to collaborate with cross-functional teams and make valuable contributions to the success of projects.


This Program is Not for Everyone.

This program is for designers who want to grow in their careers and develop as Product Designers, even if they don't have prior knowledge in the field.

It's ideal for those seeking a career transition or wishing to seize new opportunities in the job market. If you want to stand out as a professional in Product Design, mastering the process of Product Discovery & Problem Framing, this program is for you.


This is How You'll Stand Out to Recruiters and Become a Successful Product Designer

You will learn about Product Discovery and Problem Framing by undertaking a complete project from scratch, from the discovery phase to structuring - with the guidance of highly expert mentors.

Our methodology will unlock the blockage caused by information overload, allowing you to focus on what really matters and develop skills to work efficiently.

Principal Mentor and Teacher of the program

Who is Felipe Guimaraes?


I am Felipe Guimarães, a Lead UX/Product Designer with over 17 years of experience in the field, based in Valência (after living in: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Dublin, Prague, and London).

I am UX Master Certified by the Nielsen Norman Group, and have worked with companies and startups in the USA, Europe, the UK, and Canada, leading design projects for organizations like Pivotal Labs, SAP, VMware, NESPRESSO, Microsoft, CEMEX, WWF, Toptal, and others.

Through my Masterclasses and online courses, I have already helped hundreds of professionals become UX/Product Designers, securing jobs at global companies like Udemy, Toptal, Facebook, TOTVS, IBM,, SEEDRS, MJV, Itaú, Outsystems, Netguru, Natura, CI&T, Accenture, and many others.

You could be next, see you soon at the Product Design Immersion!

Do you want to seize more opportunities, and boost your career by becoming a successful Product Designer? 
Register Now and we will notify you when we open registrations.

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